wojtek’s blog

An amazing opportunity…Jerusalem!

Dear Friends, It is amazing to see the doors God continues to open to us.  I am participating in a very significant global missions event: Empowered 21 Global Congress, May 20-25, 2015, in Jerusalem.  I am presenting a paper on Pentecostalism in Poland.  The...

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Fixing our attention on the unseen….

Dear Friends, It is never easy to face the sudden storms in our lives.  There are many noises and voices fighting for our attention; in the distractions, fear creeps in.  For me personally, this is usually the time when I learn how strong the foundation of my life is...

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What a Week

Dear Friends, One of the busiest weeks is behind us...and it feels good to know what we were able to accomplish at this time. We started last weekend with a new edition of the Center of Education for Leaders (CEL) which attracted over 50 ministry leaders.  In its...

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Introducing our P2P blog and videos!

Dear Friends, We are excited to introduce our blog and videos about Pastors2Pastors! The blog was developed last summer for posts about our travels in the US.   However, it will be a permanent part of our ministry communications so that you will be aware of our...

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Merry Christmas from the Kowalewski’s

Dear Friends, This fall our Passtors2Pastors ministry has been busy, yet fruitful.  We look forward to updating you with our strategic and missional goals at the first of the year. In the meantime, we wanted to extend our heartfelt Christmas greetings to each of you....

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Gift of Thanksgiving

Dear Friends, Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Phil. 4:6 We are approaching a Day of Thanksgiving. Usually it is a time of celebration with family and friends. Although we do...

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Friends are a Gift from God

As we traveled around the USA this summer, we enjoyed deep fellowship with many friends.   We are so grateful for the blessings these relationships bring to our lives. Some of our American friends are missionaries who lived in Poland years ago. In those years, we had...

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April-June 2014 P2P Prayer Update

Here is our Newsletter for April-June 2014.  You will see that we have been very busy conducting seminars, retreats and training conferences! Some highlights include: Wojtek was invited to lecture at two important and prestigious conferences in conjunction with...

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Amazing Sunday

We attended the Passion City Church in Atlanta this morning.  This is the church that Steve and Connie Tucker go to.  It was an amazing time of worship. One of the songs was called, "Thousand Hallelujahs" and encouraged us to give glory to God, for He is worthy of...

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Celebrating the 4th of July for the First Time…

We woke up early in the morning on July 4.  We wanted to be the first ones to say "Happy Birthday, Son" to Dawid so we sneaked into his bedroom.  He woke up and we sang "Happy Birthday" to him.  This was just the beginning of celebration and ongoing singing of the...

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