The war in Ukraine has changed Poland and our city, Wroclaw, so much. In February of 2022, we woke up to an alarming new reality with many new challenges. Since then, over 2.5 million Ukrainian refugees have crossed the borders of Poland and have settled here. Poland has become the largest home for Ukrainians in Europe.
Moved by this new reality, Golden Apple Institute began serving those in need. Agneiszka became the founder and manager of the New Hope Distribution Centre. We have used our resources and connected different organizations throughout our leadership network that we have built over the years.
As a result of this enormous humanitarian need, we developed an amazing facility that has helped over 5,000 refugees in the last couple of years. Golden Apple has been recognized by city authorities, the European Parliament and many Christian and governament agencies who are in partnership with us. On top of managing the New Hope Distribution Center, we continue to oversee Golden Apple’s main ministry for leadership training of pastors, church leaders and marketplace leaders.
Many Americans have asked how they can help us manage this overwhelming situation. You may give to Ukraine directly through Future Leadership Foundation who manages donations for Golden Apple.
From Agnieszka: A Daily Challenge We opened a distribution centre for refugees from Ukraine in partnership with other churches and organizations in our city of Wroclaw. Since we opened in 2022, we have served thousands of people, mainly mothers and their small children who escaped the terror of war. The men are required to remain in Ukraine to fight.
Refugees arrive in Poland very traumatized. It is a great privilege to offer them practical help and hope for a better tomorrow. They usually come sad and concerned but leave our center thankful, and with a smile on their faces. God has given us strength and grace to somehow continue to manage the leadership functions of Golden Apple Institute.
We are blessed to have many professional and caring volunteers to help us carry this burden. Most of our volunteers who work with us are also from Ukraine. What a blessing!
- Over 100,00 food packages
- Thousands of boxes full of clothes
- Over 150 pallets of hygienic and dignity kits
- 150 backpacks full of school supplies
- Over 7 pallets of Christian literature
- Thousands of hugs and prayers…