wojtek’s blog

A strong start to the New Year

Dear Friends, The New Year is a good time for evaluating last year as well as making plans for what's ahead for us.  We are delighted to see how many doors God opened in 2016 to truly accelerate the impact of evangelical leaders throughout our nation!  These are not...

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Accelerating the impact of leaders

Dear Friends, Golden Apple Institute is a partner for the Polish conference of the Global Leadership Summit (GLS).  This is an international leadership summit that occurs at 675 international sites in 125 countries and 59 different languages.  As a result of our...

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Being at the right place at the right time

Dear Friends, In October, our family had the privilege to spend a week in Israel.  We were invited by Wspolnota Drzewo Oliwne (The Olive Tree Fellowship) to participate in this amazing tour. The trip was very special because it aligned with Agnieszka's and my 15th...

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What do you want to leave behind?

Dear Friends, The theme of the recent issue of Baptist magazine, Slowo Prawdy (Word of Truth), was "Legacy".  In my monthly section devoted to coaching, I wrote an article entitled, "What Do You Want to Leave Behind"?  To put the question in other words, "How do you...

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Fruit of the right questions…

Dear Friends, Today is my birthday... Birthdays are a time when I reflect on the past year as well as look into the future.  Last night, I reviewed my calendar and considered what I planned for this year compared to the reality of what occurred. I am deeply moved when...

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God is real

Dear Friends, We are happy to be back in the USA, visiting our friends and partners in ministry.  It is always good for us to come here and share what God is doing in Poland. We have had an amazing year ministering through the Golden Apple Institute which continues to...

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Seeking God with a desperate heart…

Dear Friends, "God rewards those who seek Him with a desperate heart.” These words, based on Hebrews 11,16, are painted at the courtyard wall at Steiger International Center in Germany. Steiger is a worldwide mission organization present in five continents that...

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A gift for Dawid

Dear Friends, We recently celebrated National Children's Day which is quite a big deal for kids here in Poland.  Parents usually buy special gifts and organize parties for their children as part of the celebrations. We had asked our son, Dawid, what he would like to...

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Hearts and lives changed at our May conferences…

Dear Friends, We are excited to tell you about two important conferences that occurred May!  God did amazing things at the Transforming Hearts Conference and Questions for Jesus, book premier, both held in mid-May.  These events had many spiritual breakthroughs and...

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