Dear Friends,
In times like these when the Corona-virus is spreading all over the globe and affecting the world around us, fear is the natural reaction. Our situation here in Poland is similar to what is occurring in the United States. The media continually reports on new infections, government warns and executes new procedures to protect us from the spread of the virus, people stay at home and only go outside when it’s absolutely necessary. Most shopping centers, all theaters, gyms, schools and universities and public events are closed in Poland. In shops that are still open, we find some empty shelves which we haven’t seen in years. This is our current reality.

How does the virus crisis affect us as a family and ministry? Dawid cannot go to school now so we assist him with school lessons he needs to do. From time to time we go for short walks around the neighborhood and help with the shopping for our neighbors.
Ministry-wise, we had to cancel all our workshops, training, meetings and public events. Fortunately we are able to continue with the School of Biblical Discipleship online. We have moved many of our individual mentoring and coaching sessions online, too. We are converting other training content for use online. We now have more time to write and develop new materials for our ministry. In spite of many unexpected disruptions, this is a time to stop and prayerfully prepare for a new season.
Every crisis has dangers, but it also provides new opportunities. At this time when everyday life has stopped for many people and they are afraid about their future, it’s also a good time to convey a Christian witness and ministry. We have already had many opportunities to talk to different people about God.

Recently, we became involved in an initiative of the Covenant of Pastors in our city called “Stay in peace”. Everyday different pastors share an online message of hope in the midst of this crisis, pointing to Christ as a source of peace beyond understanding. So far over 10,000 people have been reached via YouTube and Facebook using this channel. This Sunday we conducted an online worship service of unity. All the pastors prayed together for our city, country and the world…and all of it came with a message, “Stay in peace”.
Dear brothers and sisters, we are so grateful for each one of you who pray for us and support our ministry. We pray that you will be able to stay in peace and safe in the midst of all the uncertainty that surrounds us. Please pray for us and our family as we seek to make the best use of this time for God’s glory! Please let us know how we can pray for you at this time.
In His name, Wojtek and Agneiszka