Dear Friends,

One of the greatest joys of our ministry is seeing leaders grow, develop and implement what they learn as a result of our work with them through the Golden Apple Institute.

Recent students from our School of Speakers.

We recently celebrated the completion of the third edition of the School for Speakers. This is our communications course for leaders who want to learn how to become more effective in pubic speaking.

During this course, we study Jesus’ and Paul’s communications styles while practicing presenting messages on this spiritual basis.

We always teach that effective communication takes more than words.  It’s about being rooted in the Word of God, applying it in one’s life, building character and living out of  one’s authentic spiritual experience.

It’s been amazing to see how the Lord used this course to develop leaders on their journey toward effective communications.  Here are comments from recent participants:

“Because of the School of Speakers, I learned how to communicate more effectively on the basis of biblical wisdom.  The curriculum is not just theory, but a very practical course that equipped me with professional tools that I can apply in my everyday ministry.”  Pastor Bartek Tomczynski.

“This course truly expanded my horizons and took my speaking sills to the next level.  Most important, the course affirmed me in my calling. “ Artur Tarsa, leader of a student movement.

“It was inspiring to be a part of this course and to learn from one another.  Everyone has a unique story to share; they just need the right encouragement and tools to do it.  I was so glad to be a part of the Golden Apple learning community.”  Artur Mygelski, attendee.

These are just a few responses from participants of our courses and workshops.  It’s more than words for us.  Behind every training workshop and coaching or mentoring session there are real stories of people’s lives, ministries and businesses being transformed for the Kingdom of God!  These success stories give us strength and inspire us in our ministry.

Please pray for a new School of Speakers which has just begun.  In addition, we start other leadership workshops in the next month while continuing our routine coaching and weekly mentoring.

Thank you for being part of our ministry story!

Wojtek and Angieszka