Downline Poland

To accomplish our training goals, Golden Apple is in partnership with Downline Little Rock, Arkansas.  The School of Biblical Discipleship in Poland will be accredited through Downline Ministries. 

The School of Biblical Discipleship is a key strategic leadership program that launched in October 2018, in Wroclaw.  It is a 9 month practical course in discipleship.  Students learn how to help someone else grow their relationship with Christ, based on the Great Commission.  The vision is supported by evangelical pastors in our city.  

There are only 15 evangelical churches in Wroclaw.  Downline Poland is an amazing strategy to make a spiritual difference in our city and throughout our nation!   Downline Poland applies Jesus’ strategy of multiplication of disciples into practice.

Our Vision:  To partner with churches in Poland to strengthen and elevate discipleship in the local church by training men and women to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our Context:

  • Poland is a nation of 38 million people with only .04% evangelical presence.
  • Wroclaw has 700,000 people with only 15 evangelical churches.

Our Uniqueness:

  • 35 respected Bible teachers throughout Poland
  • Over 130 hours of Bible teaching is offered
  • Cooperation with Covenant of Pastors
  • Practical discipleship training

Goal:  To continue adding new classes each year (launched in 2018).  

Our Project Impact:  As students make disciples of others, the program impact “multiplies” over 3 years:  90 students will create 420 disciples!


“Participating in Downline’s training helped me rediscover the importance of discipleship in my ministry.  It is an indispensable part of my vision to share it with others now.”  Pastor Bathomiej Tomczynski

“Discipleship is one of the key elements of healthy church growth.  I am glad that my church and other churches in our city will become involved with the School of Biblical Discipleship.”  Pastor Adam Piatkowski, Wroclaw for Jesus